I went down to the lake this evening from around 6:00 to 7:30 pm. I took a few pictures of the sun going down, and then spent the next hour floating on the water, watching planes and birds fly overhead, daydreaming, and pondering tomorrow's potential climb of nearby
Mount Wachusett. It was

just the break from monotony I needed. While I dried off, I listened to Mirande Lee Richards on my iPod. On the way home I made a quick stop at the park office to find out the details for hikers, since the road up the mountain is closed this year for an overhaul, and found out that all trails are still open for hoofing it up the side. Sweet! Mountain Quest should begin tomorrow...
My lofty goal is to climb Mount Wachusett tomorrow, hang out on the lake again Wednesday, climb
Mount Watatic on Thursday, and then do some more floating on the lake on Friday. I may replace one of those with the next leg of my museum crawl. We shall see where whim takes me...
And once I get these two local climbs under my belt (I've done them many times in my youth, but not in the last decade or so), I want to climb
Mount Monadnock with friends as a 'day event'. I haven't been up that mountain in over 20 years, and it would be nice to see what changes have occurred in the area.
Hmmm... Apparently I outdid myself swimming yesterday. I have a lower back strain, and won't be hiking up any mountain for a couple of days at least...