After showering and packing my cooler, I made a quick stop for some Wachusett Nut Brown at the Depot Package Store in Westminster, and headed down to the lake. It was finally the day of the music festival I have been planning & producing since January, Wyman's Pond Music Fest. Kevin was already putting the finishing touches on the stage he built for the musicians, and Ted and his brother showed up soon after with a canopy and two long tables.
People slowly started trickling in around noon (Sarah & Jon were the first, then Rob, Brian & Nikki). And the kids spent the first hour or so in the water. Over the early part of the afternoon close to sixty people showed up for the event, with a few latecomers.
Then at 3 pm Elizabeth Lorrey went on. Her voice was somewhat
Then at 5 pm it was time for Vanessa Kafka! Accompanying her were Carl Puglisi (djembe) and Brian Sargent (guitar and mandolin) from her band, with their friend Kenneth Budka sitting in on bongos. They were fantastic. Having more than one musician playing (and two of them singing) really made it a sight to see (and sound to hear), and they were easily heard by all. They played a bunch of songs from "Into Place", a couple of older tunes ("Better" & "Gold"), and some new ones ("Good as New", "Don't Believe
After all three of the female performers did a quick round of exchanging copies of their respective cds, next up was Rob's friend James McGarvey III. He had driven all the way from Maine with his girlfriend to play, and arrived around 5:30. James had a strong high voice (which Jon later said he could hear across the lake), and chatted up the crowd constantly. He also played a lot of covers, which was a fantastic way to prevent a veil of 'festival fatigue' from settling over the listeners, which could have otherwise fallen over the crowd. After 12 or 13 songs (he could have gone on all night, he said), a final raffle of his cd and one last t-shirt, and he was done. Finally, Kenneth Budka, who had accompanied Vanessa Kafka & her crew to the event, was game to do a set of his own. He played several of his original songs, and wrapped up the music part of the day (a span of six hours!) quite nicely.
After the music was over, people lazily dispersed. They ate, mingled, caught up on old times, made new plans, and headed home at their leisure. Jon & Sarah, and Kevin were going to set off fireworks after dark, but I was too drained to stick around. So after a quick clean-up of my stuff and major trash receptacles (Kevin graciously offered to clean the rest up in the morning), I headed home around 8:30.
The day was mostly a blur. I did my best to make sure everyone was having a good time, and tried to spend a few minutes with every attendee. Rob did a kick-ass job throughout the day, taking snapshots of the event, and Jon was kind enough to grill for the guys in Vanessa's band after their set. Plus, it was fantastic to have so many old friends from Oakmont, my time in New Hampshire, and beyond in attendance (it's not a true 'Ken Party' unless many eras in my life are represented at once!). And I now have a successful 6-act live music festival under my belt. I guess that makes me a professional!
Sounds fun