I went down to the lake today, car loaded with everything imaginable: a sketchpad & pencils, my guitar, several different types of clothing, two books, and a bottle of water & bag of almonds. I spent an hour kayaking around the local part of Wyman's Pond, taking pictures, enjoying the scenery, and getting some good exercise. Later, I built a fire, and proceeded to burn all of my remaining Not Lame Minus business cards (now that it is a music-only site, and has little to do with travel or beer & coffee), as well as the remaining stash of wooden nickels that we handed out to attendees (or left behind to be found) at local music shows. A fine way all around to spend a sunny afternoon! And for those of you who still have them (or run across one in your travels), your wooden nickels have instantly become collectors items! Who knows? The site may revert back to its original purpose at some point... I should really have a LakeFest soon. I am itching to cook on the firepit, kayak with friends, and drink my first Wachusett beer of the year. And I am getting pretty excited about the music festival - it should be epic. It's going to be an amazing summer, I can feel it...
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