I want it to be as fun for as many guests as possible, with them taking away memories of amazement, happiness and contentment. I want the musicians to feel like they spent their day in a productive and fun way, leading to many loyal new fans. And I want to cement my status as a professional event coordinator and festival producer.
If it goes well, next year may be a (low-priced) ticketed event, with paid musicians, local food vendors*, inexpensive commemorative merchandise, and a definitive logo.
I am so excited to bring such a musical gathering to all of my friends & family!
* 2011 WPMF Local Food Vendor Wish List
- Wachusett Brewery
- Wachusett Potato Chips
- Simpson Spring (old-fashioned sodas)
- A local deli for giant sandwiches & freshly-made hot dogs
- A local farm for ground bison