Friday, February 5, 2010

Miscellanea 02/05/10

For the second time in two weeks I dragged out my Lego blocks to mess around with while I watched a movie, and for the second time in two weeks I put them away after getting little done. And lately when I go to my sister's house to play with my nieces & nephew and theirs, I usually just sort them for the kids while they build stuff. I guess my recent "Lego Mania" is over.

I began dusting one of my bookcases after putting the Lego stuff away. It triggered a case of Spring Cleaning, so I am going through cds, books, saved URLs, etc... to weed out stuff I don't need or want anymore, and which could be translated into money or newer items in the applicable aforementioned categories. I hate clutter.

I do love a sunny day though, and a nice face full of sun always gets me motivated and moving to do stuff. So I am going to wrap this up. Happy Friday!

In-Blog Play:
Jazz on WICN 90.5

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Round Two: Fight!

Here is February's (blank so far) calendar. Hopefully it gets filled up with more success (and fun) than January! With the Superbowl on Sunday and Mardi Gras on the 16th, it's bound to have some interesting days...

In-Blog Play:

Thus Endeth January

As I said I would at the beginning of the month, here is the posting of the finished (and much scribbled-upon) hand-drawn calendar for the month of January.

I had lofty plans and little cash, so there are many items crossed out. I made it to one show, I spent a lot of time with my parents & siblings, and I worked out more than I practiced my guitar. I read five books. Not bad...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Resolutions 2010

Yeah I know, it's late. But I wrote up the physical list weeks ago (I even posted my social resolutions elsewhere). Here it is:
  • Find a job - pretty self-explanatory. Being unemployed blows.
  • Lose 25 more pounds - I lost 25 last year on the South Beach diet that was so successful for my youngest brother (he lost 60 in a year) after I tipped the scales at 265. I slowly gained ten of them back (where I currently sit at 250 lbs with a 38" waist), and want to get back down to a 36" waist at the very least by the end of this year.
  • Average one new place for a beer or coffee per week - Local businesses are very important to a strong economy.
  • See ten live shows - One down, nine to go!
  • Perform live with my guitar (open mike/busking) - I need to become more proficient, and get my practicing schedule back to where it was when I took that class last fall. This is the biggest challenge on the list, in my opinion.
  • Produce a music festival - The ball is rolling...
  • Finish my childrens’ book - Editing and illustrations need to be completed.
  • Visit ten states - New England should be easy, with 5 states less than 2 hours away in any given direction (New York too).
  • Learn how to sing - I can't just perform instrumentals! Well I can, but I don't want to.
  • Learn a foreign language (most likely Spanish) - Lowest priority for this year, but a goal for the near future...
  • Use my passport - Somewhere besides Canada, but I would like to see Toronto or Montreal too!
  • Visit Nantucket, Martha‘s Vineyard, and a 3rd island - Just because!
In between all of these lofty goals I continue to work out 3 times a week and eat smart, draw whenever the impulse grabs me, blog a few times each week, and practice my guitar.

In-Blog Play: